Friday 27 November 2009

Scream Remake

We found this a good learning experience as through pratically re-creating this scene we were able to come across dilemma's and work our way around them or plan how we would in the future. One problem we found was the mise-en-scene. Due to our surroundings we felt that the scene may have been slightly more effective if we were able to film it in a similar enviroment, however this could be easily over come in the future and with more planning we could also make effective use of the lighting. Another problem we faced was continuity, as alot of the shots were consistant we found it difficult to find a fluent shot that worked well without mistakes. To repeat this we would make sure we kept our time well, so we had more time than neccissary and were not rushed. This way we would be able to take more shots and have a wider choice to edit from.
We did however feel that we shot the angles well and the timing of the shots were well planned. We felt the shots zoomed when appropriate and were well matched to the original Scream.
We have learned alot from our re-make and by having a first hand experience we are now prepared for our origianal horror and what we can improve on to give us the highest marks possible. We will be well aware of our time management and to make sure we have enough shots, so when it comes to editing we are left with enough material to create the best horror standard we possibly can

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