Wednesday 11 November 2009

Brainstorming Ideas For Opening Of Horror Film.

After watching and studying a variety of different horror films our group gathered, so we could brainstorm ideas for our horror. We're aiming to create an opening sequence of a film that can conform to typical horror conventions when necessary to provide the best effect on our audience. However we intened to make our opening sequence individual, breaking as well as complying with horror conventions.
We all added ideas and scenes which we felt would be effective and our group agreed that we would display a sequence of short shots that at first would slightly confuse the audience but gradually would become more clear as time passed. The effect of doing this we felt would hook the audience straight away and would allow the audience to interpet it how they chose. We idealised that the unknown would straight away scare the audience and will hopefully branch out to each persons individual needs to feel fear and suspense effectivly.

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