Wednesday 9 December 2009

Casting and Auditions

We have been discussing our ideal actor/actress for our piece and the attributes we wish them to ideally have. We have discussed having a lead as a female actress who needs to be able to cry and become hysterical on que. We will dress our actress in light colours such as cream and white to portray innocence. Hair colour as it stands will not make much of a difference but we want our actress to look young and attractive to fit with the theme of the film. We also need 5 or 6 more young girls to be used as bodies for quick flashes on the screen, this will not require alot of acting but we still need to audition the parts. We will also need 3 quite tall/large males to stand as hooded figures during our piece. These minor roles will not require alot of acting but we still need to make sure we find the right people to give the neccissary effect.

We audtioned for our stalkers, although the casting was mainly appearance based as the stalkers did not need to act alot in our film. However for our lead girl we ideally wanted someone who could cry or panic on que. We found Louise Chic who we cast as our lead female as we felt she had the appearence of long blonde hair we were looking for ideally for our lead female and her audition was most convincing.

Friday 4 December 2009

Similar Media Works

As a group we created a powerpoint presentation on similar media works to that of our opening. This involved researching into different types of horror and horrors that we considered to be similar to our own. I personally worked on the Storylines, Settings and Characters and Genre slides where a discovered alot of information on other horrors and our own. In this process i learnt a few more of the many different types of horror genre that i was not aware of before hand. Such as Body Horror and Humour Horror.

Similar Media Works